Amina Brown

screenshot of project Impact Report
In collaboration with, Data Culture partnered with them to leverage data visualization to bring their work preceding the 2022 election into the spotlight. The full report explores not only their impact in aiding voter registration, but also how their work both directly and indirectly supports democracy.
D3.js | Webflow | Figma
screenshot of Koko project
Koko Microsite
In partnership with Hopelab, the Koko team turned to Data Culture to showcase the proven benefits of their enhanced crisis response tool. Using both CDC data, and results from Koko’s peer-reviewed studies, the microsite explores a world both with and without the tool.
D3.js | Webflow | Figma
screenshot of imi project
imi Microsite
Hopelab is a social innovation lab and impact investor at the intersection of tech and youth mental health. They turned to Data Culture to help showcase the inclusive process that went into the development of imi, an online mental health resource aimed at LGBTQ+ youth.
D3.js | Webflow | Figma
screenshot of Commonly Well project
Commonly Well Microsite
Not many things in life are black and white, and that includes addiction recovery. Commonly Well aims to redefine the narrative around sobriety and reached out to Data Culture to help show how holistic measurement can change the recovery space.
D3.js | Webflow | Figma
screenshot of Nature and Nurture project
Nature + Nurture
Nature + Nurture is a project about Forest Kindergartens that explores the history, structure, benefits, and current offerings of these programs around the world. Serving as my thesis project, it was developed as a tool to aid parents and educators in making informed decisions about early childhood education.
Vue.js | Illustrator
screenshot of Pushing Buttons project
Pushing Buttons
This project, completed in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution, investigates the collection of pinback buttons in the National Museum of African American History and Culture. The buttons are displayed on a timeline to show the visual impact they have and how political movements have used the medium from the mid-1950s on.
D3.js | Illustrator
screenshot of Invisible Artifacts project
Invisible Artifacts
This project, completed in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution, explores the relationship between the artifacts that are on view in the museum and those away in storage. Leveraging a treemap, this visual aims to show how much of the Smithsonian’s collection lives out of view of the public.
D3.js | Illustrator
screenshot of Relative Diversity project
Relative Diversity
Referencing data from the US Census Bureau, this piece explores diversity across the country using a uniquely defined diversity score. By using a Dorling cartogram and the familiar Mercator projection, the map highlights the spread of diversity without allowing geospatial representation to overpower population size.
D3.js | Illustrator